Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Get A Clue Podcast

The get a clue podcast is up and running! We have had a great response from English 1010/1020 and CLSS 1010 instructors. They are requiring their students to come do the "Get a Clue" library orientation. The orientation is based upon the popular board game Clue. To do the orientation students must begin by watching our Get a Clue podcast. The podcast sets up the game by showing that an item within the library has been stolen. The student doing the orientation is the assistant to the detective in charge of the case. His/her job is to follow criptic clues left around the libary by the detective and find out who stole the item, where it is now and what was stolen.

Here is a raw picture from the podcast of J's legs while he was doing Detective Hemlock P. Shmolmes.

Here is the Podcast:

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